
March 26, 2013

Anna Vinnitskaya

Anna Vinnitskaya was born in 1983 in Novorossiysk, Russia. Her parents are also pianists. She received her first piano lessons from her mother at the age of six and played her first public recital when she was nine years old. After studies with Sergei Ossipenko at the Sergei Rachmaninoff Conservatory in Rostov-on-Don, Anna Vinnitskaya attracted the attention of Ralf Nattkemper at a piano competition and was invited by him to the Hamburg University of Music and Theater (HfMT), where she began her studies with Evgeni Koroliov in October 2002. In October 2009, she was appointed professor of piano at the HfMT Hamburg herself.

Anna Vinnitskaya has won several international piano competitions. Among her awards are the first prize at the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels (2007) and the “Leonard Bernstein Award” of the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival (2008). Since the beginning of the 2009/2010 season she is taking part in the concert series “Junge Wilde” at the Konzerthaus Dortmund for the duration of three years. This special series, presenting seven young artists who pursue ambitious careers, attracts great attention nationwide.

As a soloist Anna Vinnitskaya regularly performs with renowned orchestras such as the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the NDR and SWR Radio Symphony Orchestras, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the KBS Symphony Orchestra Seoul, the Orchestre National de Belgique as well as the Radio Symphony Orchestra, the DSO and the Konzerthausorchester Berlin. She has collaborated with conductors e.g. Andrey Boreyko, Alan Buribayev, Charles Dutoit, Vladimir Fedoseyev, Reinhard Goebel, Pietari Inkinen, Marek Janowski, Dimitri Jurowski, Emmanuel Krivine, Louis Langrée, Yoel Levi, Andris Nelsons, Kyrill Petrenko, Helmut Rilling, Krzysztof Urbanski, Juraj Valcuha and Gilbert Varga. The summer of 2011 marked Anna Vinnitskaya’s successful debut at the Lucerne Festival.

Anna Vinnitskaya has been recording three CDs – all three published by the French label naïve. The first CD featuring works by Rachmaninov, Gubaidulina, Medtner and Prokofiev was published in 2009. This recording was awarded the “Diapason d’Or ‘Nouveauté’” as well as the “Choc du Mois” by Classica Magazine (June 2009). Furthermore, it was nominated for a Midem-Classical Award (category “Instrumental Solo”). In October 2010, this highly successful CD was followed by another: Anna Vinnitskaya’s first orchestral recording as the soloist of the Deutsches Sinfonieorchester Berlin under the baton of Gilbert Varga. Anna Vinnitskaya received the "ECHO Klassik" award in October 2011 for this recording.

In February 2012 Anna Vinnitskaya´s third CD, that is dedicated to piano works of Maurice Ravel, was published. It was awarded with the "Gramophone Magazine Editor´s Choice" (September 2012) and the "Diapason d´Or".