Scientists at Oxford University in England have recently suggested that a daily dose of vitamin B could stave off the Alzheimer's devastating progression. Here are the other notable remedies:
Play the piano:
Mental activities, such as playing the piano or speaking a second language often, can improve cognitive skills, according to a team at Emory University School of Medicine. This could do with cognitive reserve. People who are better educated or more intelligent aren't less likely to develop dementia, but it may be that their brains are able to better compensate, by writing notes, for example, or perhaps their brains can just cope with it better.
Get some exercise:
More than one in seven cases of Alzheimer's could be prevented through regular exercise, according to a report, carried out on behalf of the Ontario Brain Institute. Scientists found physically active over 65 year olds were 38 per cent less likely to develop the disease than those who did no exercise.
Eat more nuts:
One study credited vitamin E with warding off Alzheimer's disease. Pensioners with higher amounts of the vitamin — found in nuts, seeds and olive oil — were less likely to develop the disease by up to 54 per cent than those with the lowest amount in their blood, the Ageing Research Centre at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute found.
Do a crossword:
Crosswords, puzzles and mental exercises lead to lower build-up of brain plaques that can lead to Alzheimer's. Researchers at the University of California compared brain scans of 65 healthypeople with an average age of 76 with those from 10 Alzheimer's patients and 11 people with an average age of 25. Those who did more mental agility exercises — especially when young — had lower levels of beta-amyloid protein.
Possibly playing the piano standing while eating nuts and thinking about a crossword should completely prevent Alzheimer. No guaranties though...